3.18 Creating a budget

Gewijzigd op Ma, 29 Apr, 2024 om 4:16 PM

In Vera you can create a budget for the current bookyear of each HOA. 

At the moment, this is purely to keep track of the budget and to share it with your co-owners via email or on the owner portal, in the future there will be extra functionalities to be added. For example: if the budget for HOA Residence A is 10000 euro and the invoices add up to 8000 euro, you will get a notification that the budget is used up for 80% already.

To create a new budget, go to the tab 'Budget' in your HOA and click on the '+' button.

This will open a new modal, here you will have the option to either create a budget based on last years budget or to manually create a new budget.

If you are just starting with Vera, there will be no prior budget, so you will have to manually create a budget. To do this, click on the button at the top left.

On this screen, you will be able to create a budget based on the following:

  • Division keys
  • GLA's
  • Both

For this example we'll choose both.

For each amount you add to the budget, you can choose a GLA and a division key. Once filled in, click on the save button at the far right.

For each line you add, you will see the GLA, division key, amount and a '+' button/trash can. The '+' button creates another line with the same GLA, this is useful when you want to add multiple budget lines for one GLA.

To undo or redo changes, you can press the backwards or forwards arrow. For example: if you delete a line accidentally, you can click the backwards arrow the undo this and bring back the line.

It is also possible to click on the green fields in the history to hide budget lines up to the point of the clicked line.

Once the budget is finished, you can save it by clicking 'Approve' or if you'd like to continue later, you can save it as a concept.

If saved as a concept, you can use the following actions:

  • To approve click the green checkmark
  • To edit click the pencil
  • To delete click the trashcan

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