To process a payment, go to the tab 'Finance' and click on 'Payments'.
Under the tab envelopes you'll see an overview of all the information inside the envelope.
- Amount
- Created on
- Status
Click on the checkbox on the left side to select and click on the highlighted button in the top right to download the envelope.
Once clicked, the envelope will automatically download. You can then import this file into your bank portal. You can now click the green checkmark to mark the invoice as paid and to move it to the archive.
In case you are experiencing trouble with enveloppes not being created, please check your financial journals in Octopus and see if the IBAN number, BIC code and account number are filled in under the section 'Bank details'. This is a must for enveloppes to be created succesfully.
To delete an enveloppe
If an enveloppe has been created wrongfully or it remains stuck, you can delete it to bring it back to 'accepted invoices' and status 'ready to pay'. To do this, simply select the enveloppe you want to delete and click on the trash can at the top right OR click on the three dots next to the enveloppe you want to delete and click on 'Delete' in the drop down.
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