10.01 Creating an export of cases and tasks

Gewijzigd op Ma, 29 Apr, 2024 om 4:36 PM

It is possible to create an export of your cases and tasks. To do this, navigate to the tab 'Insights' and click on the '+' (plus) icon on the right side of the page.

This will open a new prompt where you can choose a template for the export, you will also have to choose a segment if this is not pre-defined in the template. Once chosen, every field will automatically be filled in, these consist of;

  • Type of file (excel or csv)
  • Description
  • Building(s)
  • Status
  • Case status
  • Reach of dates (earliest and latest)
  • Available columns
  • Selected columns

You can determine which columns you want in your export, by selecting them from the left field and clicking on the arrow in the middle to bring them to the right field. This works both ways.

It is also possible to fill or edit the entire form yourself and save it as a new template, by ticking the 'Save as new template' checkbox on the bottom left.

Finally, to save and export the file, press on the blue 'Save' button. The file will now appear on the 'Insights' page where you can download it.

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