9.03 Manage cases

Gewijzigd op Wo, 24 Jan, 2024 om 7:22 AM

  • General management of cases

When the case is opened you can change the general status of the case on the top right.

The case consists out of 4 main buttons:

  • General information on the case
  • Involved parties
  • Linked documents
  • Timeline (log)

The goal of case management is to handle a case from A to Z by having all information (documents, involved parties, contact details, emails etc) on the case in 1 place.

You manage the case by settings tasks with due dates which you can find on the right of the screen. Here you can also add notes on the case and register appointments. By clicking the mailbutton you get access to all in- and outbound email communication concerning the case. 

By clicking the 3 buttons you get quick access to actions (e.g. sending out an email).

You can access the client page by clicking on the eye next to client page

  • Add and manage notes

You can add and manage notes on the right of your screen. Notes can be made invisible for other parties (e.g. your insurance intermediary). You also have the possibility to show the note on the client page.

By clicking the 3 dots you can add more detailed notes as well.

  • Add and manage tasks

Using tasks is the essence of case management. You can create template tasks and/or manual tasks with (pre defined) due dates. When a task is due it will show in red.

You can also snooze due dates of tasks by clicking on the alarm clock.

  • Manage phone calls & SMS

When clicking the 3 dots you have the possibility to register a phone call (for logging purposes) and/or send out an sms to an involved party

When you trigger an action (e.g. send email, register call etc) you can always directly add a task. E.g.: you send an email to a supplier for an estimate, then you can directly add a task that you're expecting a reply within 5 business days.

You also have the possibility to change the status of the case while executing an action.

  • Send and manage emails

We have created a 1-on-1 link with your own and/or teammailbox. This mailbox is accessible via the mailbox button on the left of your screen (this is the overall mailbox).

Important: when you, e.g., delete an email this mail will also be deleted in your normal mailbox.

By clicking the 3 dots you have the possibility to directly send out an email.

When click the mail button you go to all emails that are linked to the case (in & outbound)

  • Register emails

You can also register emails by sliding a .msg or .eml into the upload box. The system will then recognize the variables 

  • Add and manage appointments

You have the possibility to add appointments in the case by clicking the appointments button on the right of your screen.

When you click 'agenda' on the top left of your screen you have an overall overview of all appointments (cross cases)

  • Add involved parties

You can add involved parties in your case by clicking the +

  • Add documents

You can add documents by gliding them into the into the upload box

  • Log/timeline

Via the timeline your have a chronological view on the taken actions within a case. You can filter to show notes, phonecalls, documents, sms'es and emails. 

You can define the logbuttons in your personal settings

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