9.02 Create an insurance case

Gewijzigd op Wo, 27 Mrt, 2024 om 4:49 PM

An insurance case is a case where an insurance policy is involved. In those cases you have the possibility to collaborate with the insurance intermediary on the same case in the platform. 

Create an insurance case

Click the '+' on top of your screen

Select insurance case

The variables

Risk object

  1. Fill in the name of the building& select the correct building from the list.
    1. If the building is not yet in your CRM, there are 2 other options:
      1. Click on 'Add a building' to create a building in the CRM & use the same building for your insurance case.
        1. Fill in the name of the building & the company registration number (if possible).
        2. Select the country.
        3. Fill in the street name, number, postcode & city.
        4. Click on 'Save.'
      2. Click on 'Add an address' to use a one-time damage address for your insurance case.
        1. Select the country.
        2. Fill in the street name, number, postcode & city.
        3. Click on 'Save.'
  2. Click on '-> Next.'



  1. Enter the policynumber & select the correct insurance policy from the list. As a suggestion, every insurance policy linked to your building in the CRMwill be displayed.
    1. If the insurance policy is not yet in your CRM, there are 2 other options:
      1. Click on 'Add a policy number' to manually assign a policy number to your insurance case.
        1. Fill in the policy number
        2. Click 'save'
      2. Click on 'Skip step' to not add a policy number (This can be added later in the insurance case).
  2. Click on '-> Next.'

Case details

  1. Use an automatically generated reference number or click on the slider to manually enter a reference number.
  2. Select the handler(s) from your team who should oversee this insurance case.
  3. Select the priority of this insurance case.
  4. Select a classification type (if desired, not mandatory).
  5. Click on '-> Next.'

Damage details

  1. Select the nature of the damage using the animated figures.
  2. Fill in the cause, consequences, location, and circumstances of the damage incident.
  3. Choose the date of the damage incident using the pop-up month calendar.
  4. Set the triggers correctly by clicking on the respective slider.
    1. No damage/damage to common unit
    2. No damage/damage to private units
    3. No third party/third party involved
    4. No police report/police report
  5. Click on '-> Next.'

Involved parties

  1. Click on the 'plus icon' to add an involved party.
  2. Check the box 'Add building as a customer,' enter the email address of the contact person for this building, and click 'Add' to add the building as an involved party and client.
  3. Click on one of the 'arrows' to:
    1. Assign a reference number to an involved party
    2. Assign a note to an involved party
  4. Click on one of the 'pencils' to edit the details of an involved party.
  5. Click on one of the 'trash cans' to remove an involved party.
  6. Click on '-> Next.'

Adding an involved party

  1. Enter the name of the involved party & select the correct contact or company from the list.
    1. If the contact or company is not yet in your CRM, there are 2 other options:
      1. Click on 'Add a contact' to create a contact in the CRM & add the same contact to the involved parties of the insurance case.
        1. Enter the first name & last name of the contact.
        2. Click on 'Save.'
      2. Click on 'Add a company' to create a company in the CRM & add the same company to the involved parties of the insurance case.
        1. Enter the company registration number & the name of the company.
        2. Click on 'Save.'
  2. Indicate via the corresponding slider if the involved party:
    1. Is the applicant or not (= party requesting the insurance case)
    2. Is the client or not (= party that has suffered damage)
  3. Fill in the following information:
    1. Language
    2. Gender (only for contacts)
    3. First name & last name (only for contacts) or company name (only for companies)
    4. IBAN number (if desired, not mandatory)
    5. Phone number, mobile number & email address
    6. Role and/or type of involvement
    7. Country, street name, number, postcode & city
  4. Click on 'Save.'


  1. Drag one or more document(s) to the 'Upload Files' box or click on 'Upload Files' and add one or more document(s) from your Explorer.
    1. Click on the document name to change the file name & click on the 'save icon.'
    2. Click on the document type to select the correct file type & click on the 'save icon.'
    3. Click on the document role to select the role of the party to which this document belongs & click on the 'save icon.'
    4. Click on the 'trash can' to delete an uploaded document.
  2. Click on '-> Next.'

Case handling

  1. Select the correct option regarding the management of the insurance case:
    1. Self-management:
      1. Situation 1: You are both the building manager and the insurance intermediary for the respective building.
      2. Situation 2: Your insurance intermediary does not use the 'Vera' application, and as a building manager, you want to manage a digital insurance cases from A to Z.
    2. Forwarding:
      1. Situation 1: Your insurance intermediary uses the 'Vera' application, and you want to forward the insurance case.
  2. If forwarded: Select the company from the list to whom you want to forward the insurance case.
  3. Select the desired option regarding having the damage repaired by Keypoint's repair service via 'Repair in kind' (More information at www.herstelinnatura.be):
    1. Yes
    2. No
  4. Select "save and open"

Then you will arrive in your insurance case where you can still make changes or cancel the insurance case. 

Pendingcases  approval by the insurance intermediary, you will find this insurance case in the dossier overview under the tab 'Waiting for approval.'

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